What’s going on with unemployment?

Talk about confusing – the good news is emphasised by the Guardian; unemployment is down to 7.7%  or 2.43 million, the fastest decline in a decade. But the bad news is stressed by the  Daily Telegraph which leads on the number of people claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance showing the biggest rise for nearly 2 years, up by 19,600 in May.

Not exactly what you’d expect. There’s always a lot more to unemployment than meets the eye. But here are two main points about the latest data;

i) A new record in part-time workers – for many, that’s all they can get

ii) Lone parents able to work with older children who previously claimed Income Support are now receiving Jobseeker’s Allowance. This change was introduced “. . . for most lone parents with (i) a youngest child aged 12 or over from 24 November 2008, (ii) a youngest child aged 10 or over from 26 October 2009, (iii) a youngest child aged 7 or over from 25 October 2010

Read the actual ONS document here.