Exclusive from UKCrimeStats – London Constituency Crime League Table

Posted: October 20th, treat 2011  Author:   No Comments »

We recently gave an exclusive to Planning in London magazine that showed crime and ASB events in London from December 2010 to July 2011. You will not find this anywhere else. Planning in London is the journal of the London Planning and Development Forum and a winning magazine of the year for the International Building Press awards multiple times.

Here’s the pdf of the table with thanks to PiL.

I wanted to do this because planners and their political masters need to think more about the crime and social impact of their cherished plans, not just the environmental one. For a number of years now, sovaldi sale thanks in no small part to regulation, development has all been about increasing urban density on brownfield sites and energy efficiency. This has led to lots of trendy inner city flats and arguably, indirectly to a planning preference for atomising single or low digit person households. The resulting higher population densities almost always leads to more opportunities for crime and general disorder.

Most people would still much rather live in an upstairs/downstairs home, not too close to their neighbours, with family and a garden, no matter how small. I would venture that more of these types of homes would also help lower the crime rate too.