Top 10 Postcode Sectors for Bike Theft

September 12th, 2013

Posted: September 12th, remedy decease 2013  Author:   No Comments »

We have just run the update for May 2013 and are currently debugging a few issues before we go ahead with June and then July. But I have for some time been fascinated by the crime of Bike Theft. We put it to the Home Office to include this as a sector 2 years ago and are glad to see that since May they have included it. Last year, treat pharm we also entered the ONS Geovation competition to win sponsorship money to build an anti-bike theft app. In fact, troche buy I event went to visit a major bike retailer to drum up some support but alas, none was forthcoming. Anyway, one month’s data doesn’t tell you everything. It takes time to build up a picture, but to give you a taster, here are the top 10 Postcode Sectors for Bike Theft in May 2013 and the number of reported bikes stolen.

Oxford and Cambridge you’d have to expect. But the real surprise to me was Maida Vale, W9 4 coming in at number 1 across England and Wales – 2.5 times worse than the worst area in Oxford.