The evolution of crime categories since December 2010

December 28th, 2013

Posted: December 28th, 2013  Author:   No Comments »

When started back in January 2011, check   the UK had precisely the following number of criminal offences and ASB – 1, 470 – which were categorised in the following way on ;

Burglary – 9

Robbery – 4

Violent – 144

Vehicle – 5

Other – 1293

ASB – 15

So out of a maximum potential of 1,470, breaking it down into 6 categories was not actually a very big step towards granularity even when the need for anonymisation was taken into account. Clearly,  the “Other” category clearly did not tell you very much at all and contained a significant number of crimes that required no categorical or geospatial anonymity at all like bicycle theft. Crime data should be understood to exist in 3 subsets – about the crime, the offender and the victim. What we have here on is limited information about the crime.

(The United States incidentally has over 5,000 types of criminal offences and arguably have long lost count).

So I thought it would be helpful to paste up a couple of images of the evolution of crime categories that we use which are passed down to us by our rival, the tax-funded monopoly (because it unquestionably has first use and discriminatory access to the data), .

Evolution of Crime Categories

Anyway, as we then anticipated, there have been a number of new categories created as illustrated above in response to public and commercial interest.

In more detail, here they are.


Northern Ireland crime data now added from September 2011

December 6th, 2013

Posted: December 6th, site find 2013  Author:   No Comments »

We now have monthly Northern Ireland Crime data stretching back to September 2011. Here is the Police Service of Northern Ireland page. We have also added postcode sector and postcode districts for Northern Ireland so you can see crime data for these. And last but certainly not least, physician we have added all 890 Northern Ireland Super Output Areas.  As always, if you spot any bugs, please tell us on Neighbourhoods and postcodes automatically matched to NISOAs coming shortly.

All England and Wales postcodes now matched automatically to LSOAs and MSOAs

December 6th, 2013

Posted: December 6th, sovaldi sale 2013  Author:   No Comments »

This has been running for a while but I realised it was time to tell you.  Here at UKCrimeStats, here we make lots of incremental improvements all the time – so much work goes into this platform. So, try if you type in your postcode to the searchbox and scroll down the results to the bottom, you will see the matching Lower Layer Super Output Area and Middle Super Output Area. We’ll also be doing this shortly with Northern Ireland Super Output Areas. Still no monthly crime data from Scotland. Who knows, by the time it is available, it may not be in the UK anymore and we’ll need a new website name !

October 2013 update coming through shortly.