Now with Scottish crime data – and updated to April 2014

Posted: June 8th, find 2014  Author:   No Comments »

Ok, sovaldi sale we’ve uploaded Scottish crime data. Compared to England, Wales and Northern Ireland, it’s very much less detailed. No categorisation of crime type, totals over a whole year (2007-08 and 2011-12) matched to Scottish Datazone. So what this means is that you can type in a Scottish postcode to the searchbox and it will automatically match that postcode centroid to the relevant Datazone – a small census area equivalent to Lower Layer Super Output Area and NI Super Output Area. We have then percentage ranked it to the rest of Scottish datazones. One word of warning; Scottish Crime Rates are per 10,000 residents so figures look about 10 times higher than elsewhere on this website. We are going to change this shortly to be consistent. I’m guessing after the Scottish Referendum, crime data will be made more freely available than it is now. So I think we can well and truly call ourselves UKCrimeStats now.

In the meantime, we have also updated the site to April 2014. As always, if you see anything unusual, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
