Property prices now updated to May 2015

July 15th, 2015

Posted: July 15th, look 2015  Author:   No Comments »

As always, treat a word of caution, cialis the last month’s sales – property prices paid in England and Wales – are typically at least 50% missing – see here – so we would fully expect when we have the next month’s data to see May’s figures revised from 23,371 up to the 50-80k range.

Please note this is different data from the ONS House price index which uses mortgage financed transactions data collected by the Council of Mortgage Lenders which does not cover all mortgage lenders. And not everyone buys with a mortgage of course. We use the Land Registry data, which details each transaction and location.


Crime data now updated to May 2015

July 12th, 2015

Posted: July 12th, order here 2015  Author:   No Comments »

Property data for May 2015 will be updated shortly too. We’ve also fixed a couple of bugs that creeped in;

i) – the report and export generating function is now working flawlessly

ii) (only visible to subscribers) – this page which allows users to see which Police Force all the way down to subdivision, sovaldi postcode sector, workzone etc. had the largest or smallest increase by percentage or total / or specific type of crime across the whole country between two dates. This is now working well too.


Some of the features of our property price database

July 12th, 2015

Posted: July 12th, clinic 2015  Author:   No Comments »

We will shortly have May 2015 data uploaded for property prices. One of the things we’ve noticed by the way with property data is the latest month is always incomplete – see here . Basically, view the latest month is always less than 50% complete. And the previous few months are often heavily revised, search the earlier data is much more stable. So we are taking our time to make sure that it is correct.

In the meantime, we’re quite excited about the new capabilities we can offer subscribers, here’s just one;

1. the ability to see across the whole of England and Wales, which subdivision, postcode district/sector, LSOA or MSOA, had the greatest increase/decrease in either total value of sales or average price or even maximum or minimum price between two selected time points of all types of properties or filtered according to property type?

You can also export the data too so you can get a very clear national snapshot based on price paid data.
