Now fully updated for September property prices including new “other” category

November 23rd, 2015

Posted: November 22nd, discount 2015  Author:   No Comments »

This took us a while longer to sort out. There is an interesting new category in the property price data which dates back to 1999 – it is called “other”.  What it actually pertains to is commercial property or at least “non-residential” whereas all the other property transactions are for housing. There are actually very few recorded transactions in total, treat just 26, ed 000,  and the further back you go in time the fewer there seem to be records of. If you see here from the source data I’d say we have 2 years of quality data, of around 1,000 sales a month which makes up about 92%. From before then, the data is a bit iffy and questionably sporadic and sparse, so I wouldn’t try to to infer anything from any earlier than that – the data looks incomplete.


Crime data now updated for September 2015

November 4th, 2015

Posted: November 4th, ed 2015  Author:   No Comments »

Also, sales we have also fixed a bug on this page – a special thanks to Marie to pointing it out to us – the page shows you which neighbourhoods have the largest and smallest teams but the previous update misalligned some datasets, hospital no more. We realise our population figures for Police Forces are a bit out of date and it is difficult to track with neighbourhood population figures as these are all too often missing or old  from the api – I am writing to the Home Office later today about this for some assistance. So in the meantime, we are just starting working on a new methodology based on postcode population which should be done by the end of the week.
