Now with Postcode-matched National Property Price Rankings

June 27th, 2016

Understanding how one area in crime and property pricing compares to another only takes you so far. For a decent overview, salve you need to understand where that crime level and those property prices compare at a national level. We now show this on UKCrimeStats.

Take this random generated postcode DE738JU – just type this or any other postcode for England and Wales into the seardh box and it will take you to a page like this

Which will tell you with a percentile ranking, viagra sale the average sale price and number of sales over the last 24 months, how that compares nationwide with the other 33,000 lower layer super output areas which the postcode has been matched to.

Some other work I do at the Institute of Directors, particularly on broadband convinced me that there was a tremendous case for investing in ultrafast broadband to connect up these much cheaper areas of the country to live in. The next decade promises self-driving cars, virtual and enhanced reality presence, the internet of things, cargo-carrying drones and above all, cloud-based services and remote education in abundance. When this happens, I wouldn’t be completely surprised if we start to see a reverse to urban scaling and people choosing to live and work further out from city centres where rents have become stratospheric.




Why UKCrimeStats tells you so much about your postcode . . .

June 13th, 2016

We’re always adding features to UKCrimeStats – here’s another one. I would immodestly suggest that for individual postcodes, store this is one of the best sources of data there is. So with a random generated postcode, viagra here is an example of what each page offers;

  1. Population
  2. Males
  3. Females
  4. Households
  5. Links to energy data for the area
  6. Matching Neighbourhood, Constituency/MP, Subdivisions, Matching Postcode district, Postcode sector, Police Force, LSOA,  MSOA, Workzone, Neighbourhood Police Officers
  7. Links to Matching property sales by all the above
  8. A map of the area
  9. Radius crime calculations for 1, 0.5 and 0.25 miles around the postcode unit with adjustable charts and tables to reflect that
  10. A postcode percentile ranking where 100 equals highest and 0 equals lowest to compare to the rest of the country
  11. And now . . . All historic property transactions dating back to January 1995



Updated to end April 2016 for Crime and Property

June 11th, 2016

You can see by the way the effect that the budget had on the last minute increase in property transactions to avoid stamp duty in March 2016 – the highest volume of transactions since November 2007 at 104, click 000 across England and Wales. Not sure that’s a good harbinger for the economy as last time transactions were that high, viagra  we were just starting to tip into a major recession …


Postcode areas, districts and sectors now with mapped shapes

June 11th, 2016

I’ve always found postcodes a bit vague and have preferred shapes like lower layer super output areas. The thing is, clinic no one thinks in terms of the latter, remedy especially those who should like the insurance industry, sovaldi so we have just done a major upgrade to show visually on our maps – a close estimate – of where postcode districts and and sectors start and stop. Have a look at these pages and click on the relevant links to see what I mean;

Postcode areas – e.g. SW

Postcode districts – e.g. CR0

Postcode sectors – e.g. SS1 2
