Why UKCrimeStats tells you so much about your postcode . . .

We’re always adding features to UKCrimeStats – here’s another one. I would immodestly suggest that for individual postcodes, store this is one of the best sources of data there is. So with a random generated postcode, viagra here is an example of what each page offers;


  1. Population
  2. Males
  3. Females
  4. Households
  5. Links to energy data for the area
  6. Matching Neighbourhood, Constituency/MP, Subdivisions, Matching Postcode district, Postcode sector, Police Force, LSOA,  MSOA, Workzone, Neighbourhood Police Officers
  7. Links to Matching property sales by all the above
  8. A map of the area
  9. Radius crime calculations for 1, 0.5 and 0.25 miles around the postcode unit with adjustable charts and tables to reflect that
  10. A postcode percentile ranking where 100 equals highest and 0 equals lowest to compare to the rest of the country
  11. And now . . . All historic property transactions dating back to January 1995

