All property price and crime data now updated to August 2016

October 24th, 2016

The leading crime and postcode data research and analysis platform

All eyes on Harmondsworth tomorrow . . .

October 24th, 2016

So if the government decides on Heathrow, people living there will be wondering how much their properties are worth, given that the payout is 25% plus market value, assuming of course, it all goes ahead. Using historic Land Registry prices, updated to the lastest month, you can see the relevant postcode sector here – UB7 0 – which I think is the closest geospatial match to the site of the 3rd runway.

Image below – full page and historic property prices here on postcode sector UB7 0.

London Property Price Trends Revealed . . .

October 24th, 2016

This is my latest article for the excellent Planning in London magazine. The number crunching of millions of property prices paid matched geospatially was only possible through the platform of which you can subscribe to at any time from just £2.99 a month.

Here are the first few words of the article – London Property Price Trends Revealed;

A Martian landing in London today would fast realise that the capital’s number one obsession is property prices. It is just inescapable that for most Londoners, incomes have not kept pace with property prices and they have become poorer.

The average price of a London home in January 2000 was £179,821. In March 2016, it was £625,120. Even allowing for inflation from 2000-2015, the average home would be costing just over £270,000. No wonder then that London’s prospective first time buyers need a minimum annual income of £77,000, or three times the national average to get a mere foot on the property ladder.

Yet within these datasets from the Land Registry, a different story emerges, made only possible by the creation of a highly capable geospatial database, which goes far beyond any public facing property website –

And the planning implications are huge.

Read on for the full article here.

Launch yesterday of new platform

October 19th, 2016

So this started out in late May when I became annoyed by the virtual non-discussion of import tariffs which we pay as members of the EU Customs Union and Single Market. The project then mushroomed, as I realised there was a lot more to be discovered behind the headline figures of the total numbers of tariffs and what they actually cost.

So take a look at and please feel free to get in touch if have any suggestions.

Are all European legal systems fair, independent and equal to our own?

October 7th, 2016

To ask the question, is to answer it.

We are quite extremely fortunate in this country to have a very trustworthy independent Judiciary and Polices Forces, that are civilian in nature, very reluctant to use violence and steeped in the principles of Sir Robert Peel. All of this has evolved over hundreds of years, long before we had full democracy. I keep thinking about this article by Stephen Pollard – The case that shows why we must not stay in the European Arrest Warrant – and I can’t fault it.

So that was why I was happy to lend the name of the EPC to this publication “Why the UK should Reform or Exit the European Arrest Warrant: Problems and Excesses of the Romanian Anti­-Corruption Fight”, published by The Hampden Trust in association with the Economic Policy Centre and The Freedom Association.

As the United Kingdom negotiates Brexit and the complex issues that surround legal separation, this report makes an important contribution to the debate by pointing out that not all EU national legal systems are equal in standing or fit for ongoing arrangements of reciprocity in areas such as extradition.

Focusing on Romania and others in the region, this report points out that there is often a persistent and unacceptable lack of separation between the institutions of politics, the economy, and the secret state in countries such as Romania.

In judging Romania’s quest for anti­-corruption in recent years, three key international measures ­ the Legatum Institute’s Prosperity Index 2015, the Fraser Institute’s Economic Freedom of the World Report 2015, and the Heritage Foundation’s 2016 Index of Economic Freedom – all suggest that a new approach is urgently required.

Illustrating that the UK should not ignore non-economic issues relevant to business in its renegotiation with the EU, the report is supported by numerous Parliamentarians including Lords Vinson, Stoddart and Swinfen, as well as Sammy Wilson MP and others such as Alex Deane CC, Dr. Adrian Hilton PhD and the Rev Dr. Peter Mullen PhD.

My general view is that Brexit should be about pursuing flexible, quicker to agree, bilateral arrangements in trade, diplomacy and the law. And reconsidering the EAW on a country by country basis has to be considered as part of that.

NB: The Economic Policy Centre, The Freedom Association and The Hampden Trust do not endorse and / or are liable for the contents

Property prices now updated to August 2016

October 6th, 2016

As always, the latest month is incomplete – they usually take a few months to all come through. That’s why we always refresh the whole property price dataset from the beginning of the year when we update, not just the latest month. Crime is currently updated to July, the latest available. We expect the crime data to be available around the middle of the month and will update over a couple of days then.

Updated to July 2016 for crime and property prices

October 3rd, 2016

Actually, we did this some time ago, so don’t rely on these blogs to see where we have got to, just check the latest monthly dates on the site. We are currently running the August 2016 property price update (and refreshing all previous months this year, as they take some time to all come through and are subject to occasional revision). Crime data is not yet available for us to process for August. These days, monthly data is not available for about 6 weeks after the end of that month. So we should have it all done in the 3rd week of October.