Chasing up missing and questionable data with the Home Office

May 24th, 2018

Just to keep you informed, a couple of days ago I emailed the Home Office via to query some and chase down some missing data. I have copied my email below. They have replied and said they have forwarded to the relevant civil servants and will update me when they have an answer.

Dear Sir,

We are getting in touch to question the following data which looks wrong, please can you check/ask for confirmation from the relevant Police Forces?

Gwent Police – March 2018 ASB total looks low and violent crime looks high (suggest they have been mixed up a bit)

City of London Police – still missing Feb18, Jan18, Oct 17. See . March 2018 and September 2017, May 2017, Feb 2017, Dec 2016 and earlier ASB totals look improbably low (frequently zero).

Please can you investigate?

With many thanks.


Dan Lewis


We are fully updated to the latest month

May 16th, 2018

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