UKCrimeStats updated to June 2012 – Mea Culpa, News and Time to Join

Posted: August 29th, ask drugstore 2012  Author:   No Comments »

We now have 19 months of data on UKCrimeStats.

For all that, we’ve had a difficult month here on UKCrimeStats. For the third time in our brief history, the site was brought down by crime – hackers emanating from China-based servers – and we had some trouble recovering data. This time I didn’t report the crime to the Police – which although it happened at our datacentre (they don’t report hacking attacks) would presumably have been categorised as a crime with no location. So we apologise for the interruption of service which was for about 8 days. All paying members have received a free month’s extension for this inconvenience. Secondly, our neighbourhood data has been incorrectly displayed and was only just corrected. The issue was that we had overstated crime at the neighbourhood level for April and May by double-counting the other crime category. This has now been fixed and we are confident the data is now correct. Our remaining fix is for the London Assembly data for the underlying constituencies and the total for the London Assembly Area. Please disregard this data – the problem again is with the “Other” Crime data which received 5 new categories late last year. This will be fixed within the week if not sooner.

Here on UKCrimeStats, when we make mistakes we won’t hide it from you – that’s the whole principle of open data and particularly open crime data. So please support our efforts by joining today – it’s only £9.99 a month. And because we listen to what you say, we have a number of exciting new developments coming through very shortly.