
Contact Dan Lewis on 07900 245 306 or on for media queries – TV, Radio or writing articles. On behalf of Future Energy Strategies as well as the Economic Policy Centre, Dan frequently comments on energy, infrastructure, broadband and space issues. A few media hits are included below

Date Medium Type Subject
Aug-Sept 2016
 financialworldmagazine Article on what’s wrong with UK broadband and how to fix it Making the right connection
1st February 2016
 railpro Article on facing up to the future challenges of rail Railpro-Let’s get radical
  Article based on UKCrimeStats data findings Bring back taxi ranks to cut crime on Bournemouth’s Fir Vale Road, say drivers
9th March 2012
  Article based on UKCrimeStats data findings North Wales Police chief Mark Polin partly blames economy for crime rise
8th March 2012
  Article based on UKCrimeStats data findings Burglaries in Wales up 20% in year, despite falling crime
7th March 2012
  Article based on UKCrimeStats data findings Statistical skew gives Watford most violent street in Britain, police say
5th March 2012
Article based on UKCrimeStats data findings Fir Vale Road in Bournemouth the sixth most violent street in the UK
February 2012
  Article in IoD Director Magazine 5..4..3..2..1.. The UK space economy has lift-off – with quotes from EPC Space Fellow, Jim Bennett and Report by Dan Lewis
26th February 2012
  Article based on UKCrimeStats data findings Bournemouth on map of Britain’s meanest streets
26th February 2012
  Article based on UKCrimeStats data findings Britain’s crime hot spots revealed
February 2012
  Report by Dan Lewis The UK space economy: the present and exciting future
February 2012
  Report by Dan Lewis and Corin Taylor Energy policy for a less affluent age
8th January 2012
  Data exclusive to the People People probe reveals UK’s 50 worst crime-hit streets – from UKCrimeStats
5th January 2012
  Attribution to Dan  Lewis of EPC Going green isn’t easy when we’re so far in the red –

Article by Corin Taylor of the IOD on forthcoming joint paper with Dan Lewis
December 14th 2011
  Attribution to UKCrimeStats Article based on data – POLICE say people in the North are turning to a life of crime to make “ends meet” after Government cuts
13th December 2011
Radio interview Dan in interviewed to explain the breakdown of crime figures for Cleveland Police between Dec 2010 and Oct 2011 on the Al Brownlee show
13th December 2011
Attribution to UKCrimeStats UKCrimeStats research is sourced in this article Economic gloom causes rise in burglaries
11th December 2011
Attribution to UKCrimeStats UKCrimeStats research quoted in this article Britain is in the grip of an austerity crime-wave with two thirds rise in burglaries in parts of the country
11th December 2011
Attribution to UKCrimeStats UKCrimeStats research sourced for this major news feature “Austerity crimewave hits Britain”
1st December 2011
Article by Dan Lewis Ugly green giant – why the investment challenge implicit in Green Transition scenario is out of sync with reality
November 2011
Derek Bateman interviews Dan Lewis on Newsweek Scotland On the UK’s energy situation – listen here 40 minutes in for 10 minutes
3rd November 2011
Feature article by Dan Lewis Time to reach for the stars: Britain’s new space industry has the potential to blast off
October – December 2011
Attribution to EPC’s open data platform Dan Lewis and quoted at length on Can Data Deliver Better Government? (Article by Sean Maguire)
Quarter 3 2011 Feature article for Big Picture Dan Lewis on The £200bn energy investment fantasy for Big Picture – the quarterly journal of the Institute of Directors Policy Unit. Based on EPC/KPMG paper “Rethinking The Unaffordable
October 2011 Exclusive: Crime Figures for London Using its platform the EPC reveals the London Constituency Crime Table Rankings for Dec 2010 – Jul 2011
October 14th 2011 American Conservative Nation Talk Radio interview Dan Lewis talks about why US Taxpayers should be concerned about the Euro crisis, the impact of shale gas on energy policy, energy security and renewable costs. Listen here – 40 minutes long.
September 29th 2011 Breakfast Radio interview Dan Lewis on the impending demise of Yorshire Forward, a Regional Development Agency spending 250k on bonuses and £4.5m pounds on making people redundant in its final year
Quarter 2 2011 Feature article for Big Picture Dan Lewis on The coming global gas super glut for Big Picture – the quarterly journal of the Institute of Directors Policy Unit
July 8th 2011 Local paper Interview with Dan Lewis Guru’s volley of tennis criticism – see RETHINKING TENNIS FOR THE BIG SOCIETY
July 1st 2011 Local paper Interview with Dan Lewis Revealed – why we lose at tennis – see RETHINKING TENNIS FOR THE BIG SOCIETY
June 22nd 2011 4 paragraph attribution to EPC tennis paper British men’s trio yet again spurn their gift-wrapped opportunity (behind paywall) – see RETHINKING TENNIS FOR THE BIG SOCIETY
June 20th 2011 Article on EPC Tennis Paper Policy expert slams LTS “white elephant” for failure to produce more homegrown stars – see RETHINKING TENNIS FOR THE BIG SOCIETY
June 19th 2011 Op-ed on EPC Tennis Paper Time for a debate on British Tennis, a state-funded sport– see RETHINKING TENNIS FOR THE BIG SOCIETY
April 12th 2011 Op-ed by Dan Lewis At last, communities can start to see the realities of crime
April 11th 2011 Guest Blog by Dan Lewis UKCrimeStats and the Cambrian Data Explosion
March 12th 2011 Op-ed by Dan Lewis Re: MPC interest rate decisions and Why tax cuts could bring a benefit to Britain
January 31st 2011 TV Interview with Dan Lewis Re: Dan explains effects of Egyptian crisis on oil prices
January 7th 2011 Radio Interview with Dan Lewis On Nick Ferrari’s Breakfast show – re: quangos and latest report from Public Accounts Select Committee
January 5th 2011 TV Interview with Dan Lewis Re: IEA concerns on higher oil prices threatening economic recovery – see photo
December 30th 2010 Op- ed by Dan Lewis How to create a policy that will see the regions flourish
December 8th 2010 TV Interview with Dan Lewis Re: China’s vast Renewable Programme and their strategy behind it
October 21st 2010 Op-ed by Dan Too much stick and not enough carrot as Osborne’s major test still lies ahead
October 14th 2010 Radio interview At 9.05 – 9.30  am,  Dan Lewis engages with callers on the question “What would you cut, What would you save?”
October 14th 2010 Radio interview At 8.35 am,  Nick Ferrari asks Dan Lewis to explain quangos and how he would reform them
October 14th 2010 Radio interview Dan Lewis  interviewed re: quangos at 7.20 am
October 9th 2010 Attribution re: Royal Navy Economy set to suffer if  our fleet is cut back to the bone
October 1st 2010 Attribution re: Space Paper Success of the Isle of Man’s space industry highlighted in report
September 28th 2010 Radio Interview with Dan Lewis Dan talks about quangos with 5 Live’s  Victoria Derbyshire and advocates of the soon to be axed Sustainable Development Commission and UK Film Council  then fields 20 minutes of random phone in questions on other quangos
September 28th 2010 Interview with Jim Bennett Jim Bennett at 7.30 am on new EPC paper – SPACE: Britain’s New Frontier
September 28th 2010 Interview with Jim Bennett Jim Bennett at 7.45 am on new EPC paper – SPACE: Britain’s New Frontier
September 28th 2010 Article by Dan Lewis On new EPC paper by Jim Bennett – SPACE: Britain’s New Frontier
September 28th 2010 Interview with Jim Bennett At 7.15 am and further discussion later on new EPC paper
September 28th 2010 Article about New Space Paper UK urged to expand co-operation on space policy see SPACE: Britain’s New Frontier
September 28th 2010 Article about New Space Paper UK “must extend space cooperation” see SPACE: Britain’s New Frontier
September 28th 2010 Attribution to EPC EPC in Chinese about quangos
September 27th 2010 Op-ed by Dan Lewis We should cull the quangos to get effective government
September 24th 2010 Attribution to Dan Lewis Fear over jobs as leak suggests 180 quangos may be axed
September 24th 2010 TV Interview with Dan Lewis Interviewed by Jane Hill, Dan sketches out how to reform the quangocracy following Whitehall leaked listed of 177 quangos to be axed
September 21st 2010 TV Interview Dan urges caution on excitement over Cairn Energy’s find in Greenland, offshore drilling and environmental concerns
August 18th 2010 Op-ed by Dan Lewis If we don’t pay for Trident, Britain will count the cost
July 5th 2010 Attribution to EPC On government website costs and call for disclosure on Adwords budgets and keywords
June 23rd 2010 Article by Dan Lewis On George Osborne’s first budget A good starting point but the test of this budget will be outside Osborne’s control
May 24th 2010 Radio Interview with Dan Lewis On cuts and quangos – at 11.10 am – immediately after press conference with George Osbourne and David Laws
May 24th 2010 Radio Interview with Dan Lewis On cuts and quangos – at just after 5 am in the morning !
May 23rd 2010 TV Interview with Dan Lewis On cuts and quangos
May 21st 2010 Interview with Dan Lewis On cuts and quangos
May 13th 2010

Article by Dan Lewis There was no alternative, so give them a chance
March 23rd 2010

Attribution to EPC The United Kingdom’s Energy Security Debate Extensive reference made to SECURING OUR ENERGY FUTURE
March 2010

Article by Dan Lewis PUT THAT LIGHT OUT ! (requires subscription) – on what’s wrong with energy policy and what to put right
26th February 2010 Interview on You and Yours Dan Lewis criticises the Carbon Reduction Commitment and the government’s timing in introducing it – directly afterwards, Energy Minister Joan Ruddock disagrees.
21st February 2010 Attribution Firms not ready for name-and-shame carbon table Dan Lewis criticises the bureaucratic, marginal, high-cost carbon reduction commitment.
February 2010 Attribution Securing Our Energy Future, launch paper of the EPC is cited in Canadian Nuclear Worker – a publication of the Canadian Nuclear Workers’ Council
17th February 2010 Radio Interview Nick Ferrari asks Dan Lewis whether we should be worried about inflation? (8.35 am – 4 minutes – requires login for dowload)
17th February 2010 Op-ed Only Splitting the Euro Will Save It. About the Greek Crisis and the Euro.
16th February 2010 Op-ed IT’s not if, but when we make the cuts we need. Dan Lewis discusses the timing and practicalities of public sector cuts.
January 2010 Op-ed Dan Lewis writes the Expert Commentary for Conservative Intelligence on Conservative Energy Policy for CI’s “Guide to the 2010 Tory Manifesto
15th January 2010 Feature How much microgeneration can networks take? Dan Lewis questions the wisdom of a surge in microgeneration for local electricity neworks
5th January 2010 TV Interview Dan Lewis talks on Al Jazeera English about the impact of cold weather on oil prices and their subsequent impact on the USD and the global economy
30th December 2009 Op-ed As we exit recession, don’t bank on a rapid recovery – by Dan Lewis
28th December 2009 Op-ed An Energy Policy Rethink Is Required – by Dan Lewis
21st December 2009 Op-ed After the fiasco at Copenhagen, we must focus on energy security – article by Dan based on new EPC energy policy paper on
15th December 2009 Op-ed More energy efficiency will ultimately increase, not reduce, demand for energy – article by Dan on new EPC energy policy paper on Conservativehome’s Platform.
14th December 2009 Report Call for radical overhaul of UK energy policy – reports on new EPC energy policy paper.
14th December 2009 Op-ed by Dan Lewis Dan writes an article based on the launch paper of the EPC, “SECURING OUR ENERGY FUTURE – How and why it must be done”. Our politicians must act on energy before the lights go out in Britain.
30th November 2009 Attribution Syndicated feature article by the Deutsche Presse Agentur (German Press Agency) with an attribution to Dan Lewis, Will the EU’s Saharan solar dream bring a brighter future? about plans for Concentrated Solar Power plants in the Sahara desert. See here in Earth Times.
6th November 2009 Op-ed Feature by Dan Lewis, Be realistic about carbon capture and storage prospects
1st November 2009 Attribution The Guardian, Solar power from Sahara step closerAttribution to Dan Lewis
30th October 2009 Radio interview LBC Radio, Nick Ferrari’s Breakfast ShowDan Lewis discusses with Nick and David Buick why the UK is not yet out of recessionRadio interview
27th October 2009 Op-ed by Dan Lewis Yorkshire Post – Our cost-cutting politicians will store up more transport misery for the years to come
25th October 2009 Attribution Sunday Times – Business faces £370bn bill for climate change