UK Economics Community Links

Update July 2016: We are currently in the throes of updating this page – please bear with us.

We intend to keep this as up to date and complete as possible- please email us if you have any other links you think should be here – this is a work in progress!

All links are all listed in prejudice-free alphabetical order.

Regular Columns

Roger Bootle – Daily Telegraph – Monday

Samuel Brittan – Financial Times – Biweekly

David Blanchflower – The New Statesman – Thursday

Vince Cable MP – Mail on Sunday – Sunday

Edmund Conway – Daily Telegraph – once a week

Hugo Duncan – The Evening Standard – Mon-Friday

Larry Elliott – The Guardian – most days

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – Daily Telegraph – most days

Liam Halligan – Sunday Telegraph – Sunday

Allister Heath – CityAM – Monday-Friday

Anatole Kaletsky – The Times – Friday

John Kay – The Financial Times – Tuesday

Hamish McRae – The Independent – Friday

Ashley Seager – The Guardian – most days

David Smith – Sunday Times – the Economic Outlook is easier to access on his personal website here

Irwin Stelzer – Sunday Times and others – most days – more easily followed from Hudson Institute website

Jeremy Warner – Daily Telegraph – most days

Newspaper Economics Portals

The Guardian – Economics

The Telegraph – Economics

The Times – Economics


Bloomberg – Economy Portal (Global)

Reuters – Economy Portal (UK)


News Economy Section – Global


Bank of England

British Retail Consortium – UK Retail Sales Monitor

HM Treasury – data and tools

Office for National Statistics – Economy

Office for National Statistics – live latest indicators update page for data

PMI – Purchasing Managers’ Index of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply and Markit Economics

Economic Calendars

HM Treasury Pocket Databank – see last couple pages of this pdf for the next 2 months

Saxobank – a free economic calendar with all the countries, not just the UK


Dan Atkinson – It’s the economy, stupid !

Sir Samuel Brittan –

Vince Cable MP –

Economists’ Forum – by Martin Wolf of the Financial Times

Edmund Conway – Daily Telegraph

Diane Coyle – The Enlightened Economist – the blog of Tejvan R. Pettinger

Freethinking Economist – the blog of Giles Wilkes

Stephanie Flanders – Stephanomics – blog of the BBC Economics Editor

Institute for Economic Affairs – IEA Blog

Institute of Directors –

John Redwood MP –

David Smith

New Economics Foundation


Capital Economics

Centre for Economic and Business Research

Ernst & Young Item Club

International Monetary Research

Lombard Street Research

Markit Economics

McKinsey Global Institute


Oxford Economics

Volterra Consulting


The Society of Business Economists

Royal Economic Society

Think Tanks

Institute for Economic Affairs

Institute for Fiscal Studies

National Institute of Economic and Social Research

New Economics Foundation

Retail Think Tank – (KPMG/SYNOVATE  under the aegis of the British Retail Consortium)

Academic Journals (mostly UK)

Applied Economics

Applied Economics Letters

Applied Financial Economics

China Economic Journal

Construction Management and Economics

Economy and Society

Economics of Innovation and New Technology

Economic Journal

Economic Policy

Economic Review

Education Economics

European Economic Review

Education, Knowledge & Economy

Feminist Economics

Fiscal Studies

Food Economics

Industry and Innovation

International Economic Journal

Journal of Business and Economic Statistics

Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies

Journal of Economic Geography

Journal of European Economic Association

Journal of Human Resources

Journal of Labor Economics

Journal of Media Economics

Journal of Political Economy

Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy

New Zealand Economic Papers

Oxford Review of Economic Policy

Review of Economic Studies

Review of Economics and Statistics

Review of Social Economy


Institute of Directors –